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About the Ramblers
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About us
Welcome to the Inverness Group which is part of the Highlands &
Islands Area in the Ramblers Association. Fancy walking and
exploring the stunning countryside in the Highlands? Then do
join us one Saturday or Sunday and try us out. You will find a
very warm welcome awaits you from all the members plus an
exhilarating day in the outdoors!
Where do we walk?
We walk over a wide area centred on Inverness. As much of this area is wild
and mountainous many of the walks involve rough terrain and considerable
ascents. However we do attempt a balance in our programmes and include coastal,
forest and other walks of less difficulty. A walk is arranged for each
week, alternating Saturdays and Sundays. On some occasions there is a choice
of walks of different grade.
Do I have to join right away?
New members are always welcome. Membership is not necessary for up to three walks
but thereafter walkers will be expected to join the Ramblers’ Association.
How is the Group run?
The Inverness Group is run by a Committee formed from the Membership and holds
meetings usually three times a year as well as the Annual General Meeting.
Any member who is interested in serving on the Committee is welcome to discuss
their interest with the Chairperson.
